Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist

So today our boyo had an appointment with an ear, nose and throat specialist (ENT).

We went down with a lady from church since my hubbie had to work and I didn't know where I was going. :) It was nice having her with me.

She introduced me to this nice little restaurant for lunch. They make GOOD sandwiches. AND i never knew that Strathroy had a dutch store so we went there, and then stopped at a thrift shop on the way back. I found our boyo boots that fit his feet properly. only 2.50 and look as if they've never been worn! How cool is that!?!?!?!?

Oh..back the ENT.
Nice man. A bit of wait to get in. TIRED boy...just wanted to go home.

Our boyo has another ear infection. The doc wants him to have an appointment for tubes in February, or more likely, March. Takes 5 minutes in his office. Strongly recommends them being done. Right now our boyo has medium hearing loss which isn't so good with boyo's who are learning to talk. And apparently he's maybe had another small ear perforation which is very much not a good thing so...tubes for this boyo are highly recommended.

Means: ear protection in the bath. Neoprene head band when swimming. means no more hearing loss. :)

Some risk of ear not healing after tubes come out. Some risk of tubes not falling out on their own within a year. Some very small risk of the anesthetic.

But it sounds like a real plan to follow up on so....that's what I'm pretty sure we're going to do.

Anyone out there have experience with ear tubes? Pros/Cons? Any helpful advice? Would be good to know more. :) Thanks.

1 comment:

Kim said...

You must not live that far from me, Annette. Strathroy is only about an hour or so.

Re tubes. We went to an ENT in London quite a few years ago. We figured we'd need tubes, but the ENT said that one of the problems with our son was that his eustachian tubes were too horizontal, and that his ears could not draink properly. He suggested waiting a while to see if they would soon grow less angled (they're supposed to be a little slanted, I guess) and clear up the problem. He also has very large adenoids, even when he's not sick. We waited it out, and he seems fine. However, he now needs braces, which the orthodontist said is likely compounded by the large adenoids which have affected the shape of his mouth.

If you are uncertain, why not ask to see another ENT? Although, I suppose that would be a bit of a wait.