Thursday, November 16, 2006

Whales in the Artic

I woke up at 5 this morning, wide awake so thought, hmm.... i can do my devotions early and go walk the dogs. Devotions haven't arrived yet, so read the paper instead.

I came across this article that was in the Globe and Mail. A similiar article is in the London Free Press.

There are hunters who are going up north to kill some whales that are trapped in a lake. There are 80 whales trapped. Apparently the plan is to kill ALL of the whales. Seems a bit of overkill to me, unless the concern is that the air hole is going to close and they will all die anyways.

I can understand the need to do this. They don't want all these whales to just die and be worthless. These whales can feed folks. What I don't like is it being portrayed merely as a mission of mercy.

As you read the article you can see some of the other concerns that people have.

The whales might eat too many of the fish that are in the lake.
The presence of the whales has weighed on the community in part because the Husky Lakes are a popular spot for spring fishing. With these whales having taken up residence there for months, there are concerns how many herring and trout residents can expect to find next year.

And why wait, waiting isn't good. These whales could feed families, so it is best to kill the ALL while they are still in good shape.
Killing the whales while they're still in good shape is better than leaving them to slowly freeze under the ice, said Voudrach.

So kill all the whales before they eat your fish. Bill it only as a mission of mercy, and feed your town folk all that fat whale meat.

I think I might be inadvertently portraying that I dislike hunting, I don't. I really understand the need to make the best use out of these whales. I guess what I dislike is the need to kill ALL of the whales without giving some of them a chance to survive. I dislike the billing of it only as a mission of mercy. Miracles could happen, some of the whales could make it through the winter, even if is seems impossible to us. God does amazing things sometimes. I just wish they'd give some of the whales a chance, but I might be missing something here. :)

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