Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Some posts for your consideration

Stopped over at Dan's blog this morning and found this post waiting for me. Respect, confidence and trust ladies, it goes a long way. :)
For a half-decent man, do what Peter says. Express respect, trust, confidence. As far as you honestly can, cheer, don't boo. Build (Proverbs 14:1), make him feel like a king (Proverbs 12:4). The Proverbs 31 lady's husband didn't end up in the gates with the Big Dogs, by his wife telling him what a loser he was. It was because he could trust her goodwill towards him completely (31:11-12).
I thought Scott had some good things to say in his post on is Worship Tiresome?
The problem lies not in worship, but in our hearts. We lack that burning desire David had to be in the house of the Lord. We have domesticated our spirits, taming them to the point of slumber.
Connie's post on adoption, theology 101, over at practicing theology was good as well.
Isn't it interesting--and very telling--that God does not make it a practice in Scripture of frequently calling us "adopted children", "adopted son/daughter", but He primarily calls us "HIS children", "HIS son/daughter". The fact that we have been adopted is no secret, but our being adopted is not a matter that he focuses on--because He has MADE us His very own, we are no longer strangers!
As a person who has struggled with understanding this whole concept, I found this post by JD enlightening. The word or A word.
Just because God could do so, and you don't find scripture that says He won't do so, doesn't mean He will do so.


Even So... said...

Thank you...

Blessings to you in your increasing understanding...

Connie said...

Thanks for the link Annette--glad you enjoyed the topic/post! I enjoyed the other links you noted. :-)