Monday, March 06, 2006


So, I wasn't sure what to title this blog entry so I'm just going with the hmmmm.. aspect of things. :)

For those who know me fairly well, I've always, well okay, not ALWAYS, but since just before my teens, have been a person with a fairly active fantasy life. I have Stories in my head almost all the time.

God has, over the years, taught me that this isn't such a good thing for me. :) So, over the years, I've been fighting this influence/tendency in my life. I want to be a solid Christian woman, a woman whose focus is on the things of God, and being distracted by mental imagery and stories detracts from that.

People have told me I should write these stories down....but I hesitate at this point to do that because these stories I don't want to make more real or give a reason to even more further be developed. Some the ones I tell Justin when I'm walking the floor with him, those I would have no problem writing down. But my own head stories...those I don't want give more life to. (hope that makes sense)

I've learned when I"m lying in bed at night to talk with God rather than lull myself to sleep with a tale or two. I"ve learned to memorize scripture and to contemplate what I've read in the bible or a good book. And doing this works at certain times but not always.

I delve into reading fantasy, murder mysteries and good non-fiction (yes, occasionally I read bad non-fiction too...but I tend to get bored with that after a while). I just love reading. BUT I was lying in bed this morning realizing that when I'm working on house work or walking the dogs or just doing stuff that it's a great deal harder for me to turn from stories.

It's led me to ask...what do people think about? How do people keep their minds busy when they are doing stuff? Surely not everyone does as I do and turns to stories to keep themselves entertained? (not sure that the word I want to use). But what do people think about? Like you can't think about the weather, or dog training stuff or whatever all the time.... so what do people do?

Sometimes I think that if I don't figure out what I can think about when I"m doing mundane stuff, that I will never get these stories out of my head. That they will always be a pervasive influence in my life that I do not NEED to have in my life anymore. I know at one point they were an excellent coping mechanism and helped me learn lots of dealing with life and people, but I don't NEED them anymore so how do I lessen their impact in my daily life?

Anyways, if you'll have any answers out there in computer land....feel free to share them.

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