Sunday, July 09, 2006

And we laughed

It was funny today.

Justin discovered that disposable diapers from Pampers have pictures on them!   Wow!  What a huge discovery for a one year boy.   He woofed at Grover, I woofed at Justin!   Justin looked at me in amazement.  he woofed, I woofed, he smiled, I smiled.  He woofed, I woofed, he giggled, I laughed.   We woofed at each other for a good minute.  We had so much fun with one diaper.

Who would have thought that a little boy could make a mom-mom smile over a diaper?

God, I am sure, smiled along with us. 

1 comment:

Leah said...

Haha! I love those little moments. Thank you for your sweet comments. I know God is with me and for me. My blog is just my outlet on some days. Thank you for "listening"