Tuesday, July 11, 2006

We're off

Today we are off.   My hubbie is on holidays so we're going camping for a week or so.   Not entirely sure yet what all we will be doing, but my best guess is we'll go to a local park so that we can use my mom-in-law's backyard to store the dogs if we do a day trip.  

She's not home as she's pet-sitting so she won't have to worry about them either.  :)   This will keep the dogs safe and release us from worrying about them at the campground.  :)  I even have their food all packed for the week.  Frozen so we can thaw one meal at a time for them.

Anyways, I'll be back and I'll be sure to update you then.

1 comment:

RogueMonk said...


Blessings, RogueMonk