Tuesday, September 05, 2006

This made me smile...

I was reading in 2 Corinthians today. And Paul's opening words made me smile.

Paul opens chapter 10 with these words
I, Paul, myself entreat you, by the meekness and gentleness of Christ--I who am humble when face to face with you, but bold toward you when I am away!--

Isn't it just SO true? It is just SO easy to be bold with people when we are not face to face with them. And when we are with them, face to face, we are often more meek and more gentle. Have you ever seen that with yourself? Have you seen it in the blogging community? People say and write things in a bolder tone of voice when they are not dealing with individuals directly.

I know for myself I can be like that. I have friends that drive me to distraction sometimes and I just want to shake OR yell at them to smarten up because what they are doing is WRONG!!!!! But when I am with them, I don't do that. What I do is strive to have good conversation, and gently offer some insight into what is bothering me about what they are doing...or at times I don't even do that!

Shame on me I think at times.

But Paul had the same thing. He was easier bold when distance between him was greater. But when he was with people, the meekness and gentleness of Christ were more evident in his life.

I have to admit that there are lots of times when I wish I were more naturally a gentle person, or ... let me say that more accurately. I wish that I didn't have to work so hard at conveying the gentleness I feel through my words.

BUT when things aren't right, does that gentleness show itself easily? NOT!!! It's like ARGH!!!!!

When I worked at Christian Horizons there was a mennonite lady who worked there as well. Glo had this natural way of softly expressing herself. There were OODLES of times when I thought to myself...why can't I talk like that? She conveys the correction thought and biblical understanding, but says it in a nice way. AH!!!! would be my cry of frustration.

Now...I have learned some! yes,...me... bold sometimes speaks to fast me.. I have learned some.

I have learned when typing stuff....to reword things occassionally. I have learned to when talking to sometimes say...let me back track and explain what I meant when I said that. AND to say...I do care. This is what my heart feels. This is what the bible says.

So I don't know exactly if this is what Paul was talking about...but it's where it took my mind.

I do want to be more like Paul...showing the meekness and gentleness of Christ when I am talking face to face with people. I do want them to see that as believers we are not waging a physical battle, we are waging a spiritual one and showing Christ is how we best do that.

I know, I probably didn't word that the best....but ...oh just read 2 Corinthians 10, maybe you'll see it better there.

1 comment:

The Schaubing Blogk said...

Ouch. This hits too many of us where we live :)