Sunday, February 05, 2012

Weight of a Flame

A while back I joined a facebook group where a person could choose to do reviews for folks.  Could be an e-book or a actual book.

Weight of a Flame is an actual book.  Written by Simonetta Carr.

It is part of a series called "Chosen Daughters".  The subtitle is "the passion of Olympia Morata".   This lady was an actual figure in history.   From 16th century Europe.

Wow... I have to admit it took me a while to get into the book.   The writing style of the author was somewhat different than what I normally read.   But I found myself hooked.  I wanted to know what would happen, how would her life end, and how would she be influential in her world.     And that's what books are supposed to do right?   Draw you in, make you see things you hadn't seen before?

I am aware of how the reformation affected the lives of the people in those days.  The struggles, the death, the sure fire cling to the truth of God's word, the hardships, the murders in the name of religion and politics.  A fascinating book.  Olympia was a scholar, tutor, and a poet.   She was fluent in Latin and Greek.  She was an influential lady in her world.   It was good to get to know her.

This is indeed a book worth reading...not only for your personal reading pleasure, but also to learn more about church history.   It is good to know from what we came, as it helps us to stand stronger in what we believe and know.

just discovered the authors website.   On it she has a truth or fiction area for the book.  :)

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