Sunday, March 06, 2011

On Retreat

So this weekend I'm on a retreat held by the women of our denomation.

We're are trying and hoping to revilalize women's ministry on a denominational level within the body.

In the past, that's meant two conferences a year with a social time and a speaker.
In the past two years they've changed the conference so that in the fall there is a social time with a speaker and then in the spring they have a work day with a speaker. People go and do community projects and basically learn new ways of doing things in reaching out the community and in the afternoon they have a speaker and a time of sharing what all happened. They pick a community to go to. This year it's in Welland.

ANYWAYS.. enough of the history. There's about 6 of spending the weekend, a bunch more came during the day yesterday. We're having a decent time talking and laughing. We're getting ideas...many of them centering around the idea of mentoring, and using the classis as a resource tool for being able to connect with other churches and denominations who may be tackling the same issues. Perhaps we can work together to bring about situations where God can work in the lives of those around us. :)

Came to an epiphany this morning. I've struggled with the fact that I have only one child. Was talking with a lady this morning who notices that I'm never right in the middle of the crowd...that I'm often on the edges. I replied that it's because I'm not real fond of being right in the middle of a crowd...I'd rather be on the periphery. I like listening to people talking, but I find too much talking confusing at times and I don't know who to focus on. And that sometimes I struggle with that at home when both son and hubby are talking and I don't know who to listen to first. I told her that I REALLY like one on one conversations. Then I left for my walk. On my walk I realized that it was indeed a blessing from God that I have but one child. Means less stress overall in my life. Means that I can focus on him. And means that I can focus on my hubby at times as well. Hmm....guess that God really did know what he was doing eh? Despite the heartache of miscarriages he does know me best of all and really does care for me in the big picture. Kinda cool huh? :)

Anyways, today we have a worship service and some more conversation I think and then time to head home. It's been a good weekend overall. I'm rather tired because I didn't sleep well last night, but's been good. :) The leader threatens to put pics of me up on Facebook...not sure what I think of that. :)


Rileysowner said...

Looking forward to having you home.

Annette said...

hello back. :)

Transport Bulgaria said...

Can’t wait for you to take the time and tell us all about your experience, not just bits and pieces.