Monday, August 29, 2005

This Weekend

Ah... I had a lovely weekend. It's been a busy summer with Justin being born. The hubbie and I both have summer birthdays, and we hadn't had a chance to celebrate them with all the busy-ness so... I took it upon myself to have a celebration weekend.

I emailed all our buddies and invited them up for a Satuday night bash. Boy...did we have fun. It was so good to see them. And they just loved our little boy Justin. He got held and passed around and he slept and smiled and was just a good little boy. It had been a long time since some of the friends were up this way so it was so much fun to just relax with them all. What a total blast we had. Way too much food!

Then on Sunday he got baptized. The whole family, well, okay..the whole family that lives close enough to come, came. We had a good dinner. It was weird doing the baptism. Anyone who knows me, knows that I hate sitting near the front in church. I like sitting midway to the back OR up in the balcony. Well...I had to sit third row from the front. The parents insisted. The hubbie insisted. I was unimpressed. I felt like everyone was watching me. And apparently they were because they all commented on how well Justin behaved during the service (he slept it away). Jim (my hubbie) is also our pastor. He got to baptize his own son which was way cool. He had trouble holding him for the baptism part because Justin is so long and not an in-active baby at all when held flat. :) But no-one fell! Even though this momma had to restrain herself from intervening. :) Even some of Jim's family came too which was really nice. It's good to get to know the hubbie's side of the family too. Nice people.

God was very gracious to me this weekend in letting it be such a nice one. All praise be to him!

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