Friday, April 20, 2007

My Dad

So my Dad has turned 72 years old. I just realized that happened two days ago! ARGH! me silly woman, completely forgot to call him. ARGH!!!! Will have to do that later today I think.

Anyways, mom told me a couple days back that he has a double hernia. He will be having surgery on May 31st. he's not allowed to lift anything heavy before then. Oh.. the surgeon is heavily booked which is why it takes so long, but dad is on the emergency call list if someone has to cancel out on the surgeon.

If you all could keep him in your prayers that would be so cool.


ACTUALLY.... as I'm sitting here thinking I'm a stupid woman, forgetting to call my dad for his birthday... I thought...wouldn't it be fun if people who read my blog would email him and wish him happy birthday? Wouldn't that be fun? So if you want to he can be reached at
tinholt at porchlight dot ca

And if you do.. THANKS! :)


Anonymous said...

Please send COPY to Pappa tin (Tim?);

HAPPY BIRTHDAY Tin !!!! Make it count as long as we're here! OK/ Tell 'em.............!

In 1945, as a member of an S-2, battalion intelligence section
of the 2nd Marine Division, we were charged with the original
occupation of Nagasaki at the end of World War II. Among
our primary duties was the over-see of the first free election
in Japanese history - that included the protections of the first
voting experience for each Japanese woman. It was a true thrill
to observe, support, and take part in affirming Individual value
and repudiate the imperial collective system oppressing people.

Sunday, January 30 2005, marked a new beginning in the long
history of the Iraqi people. Their human natural identity and
endowments have been hidden from them by a history of oppres-
sors. Their individual value and Rights and vote in the elective pro-
cess may reopen the eyes of their understanding to the natural gifts
of individual reality and Liberty and the opportunities of a human
society of Freedom to fulfill the wonders of their human potential.
It will hopefully cause rejection of collective non-value forever.

IRAQ: Welcome Generation-Choicemaker !

Human defined is Earth's Choicemaker. He is by nature
and nature's God a creature of Choice - and of Criteria.
His unique and definitive characteristic is, and of Right
ought to be, the natural foundation of his environments,
institutions, and respectful relations to his fellow-man.
Thus, he is oriented to a Freedom whose roots are in
the natural Order of the universe. vincit veritas

an American Choicemaker @ 82 !
Jim Baxter
Santa Maria, California
Psalm 25:12 kjv
semper fidelis

Carl V. "Sam" Lamb and I served side-by-side as rifle-squad leaders; Fox Company, 'Chesty' Puller's 1st Marines, 1st Marine Division. He wrote a book about our experiences in the Korean conflict, 1950-1951. He included my remarks about an incident in which one of our people threatened to punch-out a fellow squad-leader-guideon who had black skin. The page follows:
+ + +

by Carl V. "Sam" Lamb Page 296 (ref 1951)

James Fletcher Baxter

"Sam" and I had a lot in common. We both resisted evil. After I
got out of the hospital, Big Jim Causey told of driving along
in his police cruiser and hitting a black man in his head
with his pistol. He thought it was funny how the guy sprawled
into the street. When he made this comment we were in a card
game. I didn't say anything, but then he said he was going to
kick the ____ out of Joe Goggins and I had heard enough.

I said, "If you're going to try that, you'll have to go through
me to get to him. I'm willing to give my life for a country
that values each individual. If that isn't true, I don't want
to fight for that country - but, it is true, so I'm not going
to let you rob me of the very good reason I may lose my life
tomorrow or next week. If you attack him, you attack me. I
may lose, but I guarantee I will make it very expensive for
you to get to him. Let me know what you decide."

He got up from our card game and said, "I'll have to think
about it."

I said, "Let me know. I'll be here."

He came back a little later and said, "You're right. I was
wrong." I thanked him for his manliness.

Joe Goggins came to me later and thanked me. He had wet eyes.

+ + +

Shortly after the above event, Jim Causey was called home for family
member medical problems. On his way back to the States, he passed
through a Naval medical facility. While there, he ran into my brother,
Sgt. Howard "Barney" Baxter, 5th Marines, who had just been sent
stateside for his Chosen Reservoir frost-bitten feet.

Causey told my brother what had happened and said "how much it
had changed his life." He said Joe and I had forgiven him and he
would "never go back to the old collective point of view." He was
really joyful because he was honestly able to forgive himself! He
became a more manly man - a good Marine. - with Honor.

I'm pleased the Rutgers women accepted Imus' apology. They, and
Others, need to forgive. We all need to grow. Good examples are
always in short supply. God bless my Country and its Individuals.

vincit veritas

jim baxter
sgt. usmc
wwii & korean war
semper fidelis

jen said...

Birthday greetings sent and prayers going up!